By posting reviews on Bitrix24 Market pages, including the Bitrix24 website, the user confirms that they agree to these Guidelines and accept Terms of Service and Bitrix24 Privacy Policy in its entirety.
The users will have to follow these Guidelines when posting ratings or reviews to the solutions published in Bitrix24 Market:
The user agrees that their contact information may be used for communication by the solution author.
The user agrees that their reviews and ratings may be subject to further verification and may be changed or withdrawn without notice should any inaccuracy be found.
The user agrees that from the moment their review is submitted, Bitrix24 may make certain decisions regarding the review without notice. In particular, Bitrix24:
Bitrix24 has no obligation to inform the users as to the reason for declining or deleting a review or rating.
Bitrix24 may make changes to the present Guidelines at any time without notice. These changes will take effect the moment they are published.
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